Arthur Schopenhauer’s Quotes On Topics More Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes “We learn by experience that happiness and pleasure are a fata morgana, which, visible from afar, vanish as we approach; that, on the other hand, suffering and pain are a reality, which makes its presence felt without any intermediary, and for its effect, stands in no need of illusion or the play of false hope.” Arthur Schopenhauer Happiness , Suffering , Reality , Illusion , Human Experience “Virtue is as little taught as is genius; indeed, the concept is just as unfruitful for it as it is for art, and in the case of both can be used only as an instrument. We should therefore be just as foolish to expect that our moral systems and ethics would create virtuous, noble, and holy men, as that our aesthetics would produce poets, painters, and musicians.” Arthur Schopenhauer Virtue , Genius , Morality , Ethics , Human Nature
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