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1. “Western culture, by contrast, is organized around the individual. We see ourselves as self-contained units; our destiny is to express ourselves, to follow our bliss, to be free of undue restraint, to achieve the one thing that we, and we alone, were brought into this world to do.”
Susan Cain Western Culture, Individualism, Self-expression, Personal Destiny, Cultural Values
3. “Most people are like a falling leaf, which is blown and is turning around through the air, and wavers, and tumbles to the ground. But others, a few, are like stars, they go on a fixed course, no wind reaches them, in themselves they have their law and their course.”
Hermann Hesse Leaf, Stars, Course, Human Nature, Personal Destiny, Philosophical Metaphor
6. “At your birth a seed is planted. That seed is your uniqueness. It wants to grow, transform itself, and flower to its full potential. It has a natural, assertive energy to it. Your Life’s Task is to bring that seed to flower, to express your uniqueness through your work. You have a destiny to fulfill. The stronger you feel and maintain it – as a force, a voice or in whatever form – the greater your chance of fulfilling this Life’s Task and achieving mastery.”
Robert Greene Life Purpose, Personal Destiny, Unique Energy, Purpose, Destiny, Energy
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